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GENYES -- What do we do in GENYES?

What is GENYES?

What do we do in GENYES?
Read below to find out.


Applications for the 2023-24 school year will be available April 1st, 2023!



(Tech Assisted Projects) - TECH "JOBS"

  • Present in classrooms & teach google applications
  • Create web-sites for teachers and other classes
  • Provide chromebook lessons on google apps; sites, presentations, docs in other classes
  • Work on CONTENT projects of their choice
  • Take the GOOGLE CERTIFICATION TEST - This will be a 2 hour in class test. It is an industry certification and partnership with google. 
  • Video Editing
  • Robotics
  • Carnegie Mellon Coding Computer Science

What is GEN YES? - click here for more info

GenYES is a program that prepares powerful teams of Student Technology Leaders (STLs) in K-12 schools to work with educators, peers and IT staff to integrate technology in ways that improve student learning.


Students participating in the GenYES program are typically called Student Technology Leaders, or STLs. Art students, “techies”, students interested in community service, gifted students, and students who have IEPs all make excellent choices for STLs. A program where a variety of student interests come together makes GenYES a truly transformative addition to your school.

What Student Technology Leaders Do

STLs provide mentoring to their peers and teachers, maintain technology, and create digital content. GenYES supports these activities with 17 units of curriculum, web tools, and ongoing support for program facilitators. Each unit of curriculum includes student-driven activities and modules which focus on critical thinking, leadership, communication, and technical skills.
STLs provide a greater return on investment by increasing the effective use and efficient maintenance of technology purchased by a school while learning the valuable skills required for work and college in the 21st Century. As STLs learn and practice new skills, schools benefit by having students take a more active role in school improvement.

GenYES and Beyond

GenYES offers a powerful model for students to be meaningfully exposed to real issues involving technology. STLs learn to be digital producers instead of consumers. By bridging the ‘digital use divide’, STLs are started on a path to AP Computer Science, coding classes, and other high-level technology courses. Although STLs assist with technology in schools, the skills they learn in GenYES provide an excellent foundation to pursue any discipline.

To see the research and impact of the GenYES program on STLs around the world, visit the Get Inspired page.